We are excited that you are interested in serving as a member of the KCTD Board. Here are a few things to consider before running for office:
- You must have served on at least one Tres Dias weekend.
- We have monthly meetings. We meet once a month at 6:30 on Friday in Prairie Village. We strongly encourage that you attend.
- Please read the job description in its entirety before you consider running.
- Secretary and Member at Large are voted positions. Simply apply and after a Board vote (not a community vote) – you are approved.
Elected Positions
Secretary – take minutes of the board meeting and maintain lists of attendance as well as provide digital copy of minutes after meetings to Chairperson.
Member at Large – The member at large primarily serves as a liaison between the KCTD Board and Tres Dias International Board. You are required to attend at least one Tres Dias Assembly each year and travel out of state to attend. It is imperative that a member at large attends all board meetings. Attendance gives the member an understanding of the board’s direction and stance on issues.