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Monthly Archives: August 2020

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COVID 19 Postpones Fall Set of KCTD Weekends

Hi Everyone, My name is Merv Chapman. I attended Kansas City Tres Dias #5, sat at the table of Matthew. My perfect wife, Tiffany, and I worship at Journey Church in Liberty, MO. My current role is serving as President of this KCTD Community. Our KCTD Board had a special meeting last night, 8/27, to discuss

By |2020-08-28T16:28:50+00:00August 28th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on COVID 19 Postpones Fall Set of KCTD Weekends

SDTD #2 Men’s Serenade

Swan Lake Christian Camp Swan Lake's Camp Directors are Tres Dias Pescadores and plan on serving in Kansas City Tres Dias in the fall. They have generous offered a 10 person bunk bed cabin for those that would like to stay overnight. If you would like to help offset this cost, any

By |2020-08-19T23:48:11+00:00August 14th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on SDTD #2 Men’s Serenade

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