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KCTD Women’s Weekend #1 Announces First Rector

By |2011-11-15T18:34:36+00:00November 15th, 2011|Blog|

After serving on 30 different weekends, Reba Griesinger has agreed to be Kansas City Tres Dias' first women's Rector. This will be Griesinger's fourth time serving as Rector, most recently at NTTD #49, and second time serving as Rector for a start-up community. We are truly blessed to have her as our first Rector!

Kansas City Announces First Weekends!

By |2011-11-02T03:44:18+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Blog|

Kansas City Tres Dias is pleased to announce that we have set the dates for our 1st and 2nd weekends! Kansas City Tres Dias #1 Men's Weekend: March 22nd-25th 2012 Women's Weekend: March 29th - April 1st 2012 Kansas City Tres Dias #2 Men's Weekend: November 8th -11th 2012 Women's Weekend: November 15th - 18th

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God is Always There!

By |2011-09-17T15:26:53+00:00September 17th, 2011|Blog|

I love my reunion group, they really keep me grounded and I know I could go to them with anything. I cannot stress the importance of a reunion group enough! Not only do they keep you on your 4th Day path, but a Bible study is also implemented within the group. A couple of months

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Weekend Ideas

By |2011-07-20T15:29:19+00:00July 20th, 2011|Blog|

I am debating some cool ideas or fun items that candidates can take with them after they leave for the weekend. What do you think about a CD compilation of  music that was played over the weekend. I, for one, know that my soul really loves music. So maybe that would be a great remembrance

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Fax: 913.378.6141

Web: Kansas City Tres Dias

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